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!WOON Housing workhop: Housing rights, House hunting and much more!

Finding housing in Amsterdam is extremely hard; especially for foreign students. For this reason, TDP is collaborating with !WOON to organise a housing workshop, which will teach you about your housing rights and obligations!

!WOON is an organisation of the municipality of Amsterdam, aiming to provide free legal advice to internationals coming to live in the city. In the workshop, !WOON will provide a range of information to help you throughout your housing experience; from moving in (how to ensure your housing offer is legitimate), to moving out (what is the required legal notice period).

Make sure you don’t miss out on this workshop, in which you will have the opportunity to speak with housing experts. Bring any questions or concerns and get to know your housing rights!

Note: when you register, there will be a payment form but you will not be required to fill any card information in., only your name and address. We apologize for the confusion or inconvenience, but it’s built into the registration system.

When: Monday 1st November, 18:00-19:00

Where: Teams - 24 to 48 hours before the event we will send you an invitation to the teams meeting.

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